14 Tips on How to Get What We Want

By: Tiara Purnamasari

            Everyone must have a wish and everyone has a chance to get what he wants, whoever him and whatever his wish. However, to get what we want may not as easy as we think. Sometimes, we can’t get what we want although we have do some efforts to get it. As a muslim, we should have some ways to get what we want in order to get ridho Alloh.
Recently, I usually listen to the lecture of Ust. Yusuf Mansyur about success in enterpreneurship. Actually he’s inspiring me to write these following tips according to my version. These tips are especially for me myself and may be inspiring for you too. Let’s check these out.
1.        Involve Alloh in our wish
Whenever we have a wish, we should involve Alloh in it. It means, we should tell and ask to Alloh first about what we want with sure feeling. Our wish should be a good thing that will give benefit for us and others because we involve Alloh in what we want.
2.        Do what we can do
Don’t just tell to Alloh about our wish, we must do some efforts to get it with some best ways. Don’t just ask for our wish to Alloh without any afforts but do what we can do.
3.        Do what is obligatory and try to do what is sunnah
It’s related to our worship named shalat. Shalat will give us a big power to get what we want. Therefore, try do the obligatory shalat five times in a day punctually, and then try to do some shalat sunnah such as Rowatib, Dhuha, Tahajud, etc!
4.        Give what we can give
It’s usually called sodaqoh. By giving one of what we have, Alloh will give ten of what He has. So, try not to hesitate giving what we can give willingly! Then, Alloh will give us from his unlimited wealth.
5.        Be diligent in doing fasting
The wish of someone who is fasting will be granted by Alloh. Therefore, try to fast on Monday and Thursday in routine.
6.        Ask for our parents’ prayer
Parents (mother and father) have an important role in getting what we want. Alloh will give what we want if our parents are willing about our wish. So, ask for parents’ prayer everytime!
7.        Shalawat for Muhammad
Don’t forget to convey shalawat for Muhammad. Muhammad is prophet of Alloh and Alloh loves him. Alloh will be willing to us if we love what Alloh loves.
8.        Recite Al-Qur’an
Reciting Al-Qur’an is one of power for a muslim. Whenever we get hurt, whenever we are happy or sad, whenever we want something or etc., reciting Al-Qur’an will be a good solution.
9.        Don’t depend on human
Alloh is the only one who can give us everything we want. Therefore, don’t depend on human. Alloh must be the first and the only one we can ask for something. Lay Alloh in the beginning, in the middle and in the end of our efforts!
10.    Maintain our heart
Avoid whatever the “heart diseases” that could exist in our heart. It will stand in the way of our wish.
11.    Dzikrullah
Always remember of Alloh whenever, wherever and whatever we do by doing dzikir. It will pave our way to get what we want.
12.    Keep relationship with others and keep the nature
Keeping the relationship with others and keeping the nature well will make something we want comes from Alloh.
13.    Repent and forswear
If those tips above have been done, we should also remember of our sins. Repent and forswear to Alloh for our sins continually!
14.    What Alloh gives is what the best for us
If we obviously can’t get what we want, don’t give up and believe that what Alloh gives is what the best for us.
Those 14 tips are related to our worship to Alloh in order we always remember that Alloh is the only owner of everything we want in the world. Alloh will be pleased if we ask for everything we want just to Him.


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